Contact Lens Solution
The largest risk of infection for contact wearers comes from improper use and handling of the contact lenses.
Contact lenses are convenient, comfortable and simple-to-use. It’s easy to forget that they are medical devices that need to be carefully used and stored – free from bacteria, dirt and germs.
Are you at risk for infection?
Almost one million cases of eye infections due to contact lens misuse were reported in the U.S. in just one year. Misuse can be due to many reasons, including wearing your lenses too long, not following prescribed wearing schedules, sleeping in your lenses, and not cleaning your lenses properly.
The Center for Disease Control reports that 99% of contact lens wearers have worn, washed or stored their lenses in unhygienic ways. If you have bad contact lens habits, it’s time to change, and follow the rules we’ve outlined for you.
ALWAYS follow these 6 simple rules to prevent infection
1. Wash your hands with soap and water before handling your contact lenses…EVERYTIME!
2. Take out your lenses before showering, swimming and sleeping (naps & overnight).
3. Rub your lenses with disinfecting contact lens solution after you remove them. Don’t use water to clean your lenses!
4. Use fresh solution every time you store your lenses. Never add clean solution to “top off” old solution.
5. Replace your contacts as directed…don’t wear two week contacts for 30 days! Wearing your contacts past the recommended usage date can cause bacteria and germs to accumulate. The lenses may tear or deteriorate after prolonged use. When in doubt, throw them out!
6. Keep your contact case clean, rinse with disinfecting contact lens solution and let dry completely! A dirty contact lens case can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Replace your contact lens case every 3 months.
Why do you need to follow these rules?
Contact lens infections (keratitis) can be painful, and in the worst case scenario, can cause permanent scarring and even blindness. If you have developed bad lens wearing habits, stop now!
No sleeping in contacts. No swimming or showering in contacts. No dirty contact cases.
Questions? Dr. Bianca Tang is our contact lens expert. Let her work with you to find the best lenses and the best fit to give you the vision you’ve been looking for. Fill out the form to the right to contact our office for an appointment, or call us at 610-628-2022.