610-628-2022 [email protected]

Treating Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)


Irritated, runny eyes…it is Pink Eye?

If you or your children have an inflammation in the eye, it could be pink eye. The medical term for pink eye is Conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the thin, clear covering of the outermost layer of the eye and the inside of the eyelids.

Red, irritated eyes could be pink eye.

There are three different types of conjunctivitis: Viral, Bacterial and Allergic.

The treatment for each condition varies, so if you have an inflamed eye, make an appointment so our doctors can prescribe the specific treatment that will give you relief.  Conjunctivitis is very common and easily treated, so don’t suffer, call for an appointment when symptoms begin.

VIRAL CONJUNCTIVITIS: If it’s viral conjunctivitis, it usually affects one eye.  Because it is a virus, it is contagious, and can easily spread to your other eye.  You may experience a light discharge, excessive watering, itching and crusting on the eyelids.  Viral conjunctivitis cannot be treated with antibiotics.

BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS: If your inflamed eye has a heavy yellow or green discharge with crusting on the lids, you may have bacterial conjunctivitis.   This type of conjunctivitis easily spreads to both eyes. It is important to start antibiotic eye drops as soon as you start to have symptoms. Be careful wiping your eyes, use a clean tissue or gauze for each eye.

ALLERGIC CONJUNCTIVITIS: Itching, redness, tearing and eyelid swelling are all signs of allergic conjunctivitis. This condition is often accompanied by other signs of allergies, like a stuffy, itchy and runny nose.  It’s not contagious since it is caused by dust or allergens. Artificial tears, antihistamine eye drops, and medication can help relieve the symptoms.

For ALL types of eye inflammations, practice good hygiene. Assume that the condition is contagious until told otherwise.

  • WASH your hands frequently
  • STOP wearing contacts
  • THROW AWAY your old contact case
  • WASH your pillowcase
  • DISCARD old eye makeup

Warm compresses will give you relief from Viral, Bacterial and Allergic conjunctivitis.  Good hygiene practices are essential!

If you have questions about pink eye or any other eye condition, don’t hesitate to contact our office at 610-628-2022.