Be Safe During Contact Lens Health Week
It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t wear contact lenses, has worn contact lenses in the past, or knows someone who wears contact lenses. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has declared August 19th to the 23rd contact lens health week.

Soft contact lenses
That’s right…the CDC is concerned about contact lenses! Contact lenses are medical devices, just like a heart pacemaker or an insulin pump. Contact lenses have been in use for over 100 years and during that time the technology behind them has progressed and been perfected. For that reason, complications and problems with them are less common. However, that only applies if they are used as prescribed.
Human nature is when you are comfortable with a situation, you may take some shortcuts regarding safety. Because contacts are considered so safe, most contact lenses users are prone to intentionally and unintentionally cut corners. Take the advice of Dr. Tang, Dr. Moran, and the CDC: DON’T TAKE SHORTCUTS!
Here are a few key reminders on handing and wearing your contact lenses.
- Don’t sleep in your lenses.
- Tap water, hot tub or swimming pool water are not good for your contact lenses.
- Wash your hands before handing your lenses.
- Follow your eye doctors instructions for use of your case and disinfecting solutions.
- Replace your contact lenses case every 3 months.
- Replace your contact lenses as prescribed.
- See your eye doctor as recommended.
Contact lenses are safe when used appropriately, but things can go very bad if they are used improperly. You INCREASE your risk of permanent vision loss when you don’t follow the instructions above! Be safe and enjoy your contact lenses: follow the rules.