Your annual eye exam offers a look at more than just your vision.
You may have heard that the eyes are the windows to your soul, but did you know that they provide a look at your overall health as well.
Your dilated eye is an open window where blood vessels and nerves can be clearly seen. The view through the open pupil is a unique means of detecting health issues including:
- Diabetes
- Glaucoma
Dilated Eye View
- Hardening of the Arteries
- High Blood Pressure
- Macular
Your eye doctor may be the first to alert you to developing health problems.The American Optometric Society reported that in just one year, over 250,000 patients were diagnosed with diabetes after their optometrists reported concerns. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital for the health and vision of diabetic patients.
Changes or fluctuation in your vision may also be an indicator of a larger health problem. Report blurred vision to your eye doctor, it may be a sign of increased blood sugar levels and the need for medical treatment.
Uncontrolled diabetes can have severe consequences. Loss of vision due to diabetic retinopathy is a primary concern. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people under the age of 74, so a regular schedule of dilated eye exams are important for diabetic patients. If you know someone who is diabetic,or has a family history of the disease, make sure that they are getting the eye care that they need.
Our goal is to keep you healthy!
Dr. Moran and Dr. Tang not only provide excellent vision care, they are essential partners for your general health and well-being. If you are overdue for a vision exam, don’t delay. Call us to schedule your appointment, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.
For a video of a dilated eye exam, click here National Eye Institute Dilated Eye Exam