Treating Cataracts & Glaucoma Together with the iStent
The iStent Inject: This procedure may eliminate the need for daily glaucoma drops!

Size of the iStent Inject
Dr. Mark Moran is now offering Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) with the iStent Inject. This option is currently available for glaucoma patients who are having cataract surgery.
Clinical studies have shown a significant decrease in eye pressure in mild-to-moderate glaucoma with this implant. It is interesting to note that the iStent Inject is the smallest medical device known to be implanted in the human body. The picture to the right shows the actual iStent as a tiny speck on the face of a penny!
An Alternative to Glaucoma Drop Therapy
If using drops to control your glaucoma poses problems for you, this procedure may be a great alternative. Ask yourself if you have these issues with your glaucoma medication:
- Do you have problems putting drops in your eyes?
- Do you forget to use your drops as prescribed?
- Do you have financial concerns with the cost of prescription drops?
iStent Inject in place
How the iStent works: During cataract surgery, Dr. Moran inserts these tiny stents to create two openings between the front part of the eye and the eye’s natural drainage pathway. This improved flow decreases the pressure in the eye.
Insertion of this FDA approved device is painless. You won’t be able to see or feel these microscopic devices. They are so small that you won’t have to worry about going through an airport metal detector or having an MRI.
This combined cataract/stent procedure does not significantly increase the amount of time that you will spend in the operating room. The recovery time from this procedure is the same as with cataract surgery alone.
Dr. Moran explains the results: “I’ve seen a decrease in pressure in the patients who have had the stents inserted. Many have stopped using their drops altogether. We remind patients that this stent procedure is a treatment, NOT a cure for glaucoma. You still need to follow up with regular appointments to monitor your glaucoma, and maintain the health of your eyes.”
If you have questions about glaucoma, cataracts, or any other vision concern, call to make an appointment at 610-628-2022. Dr. Moran and Dr. Tang would be happy to review your history and discuss if this procedure is right for you.