by Dr. M | May 8, 2018 | Cataracts, Dilation, Education, Exam, Eyeglasses, Medical Eye Care, Patient Care, Procedure, Surgery
The Cataract-M&M Connection!

Peanut M&Ms are like your eyes with cataracts!
If you know Dr. Moran, you know that he is an expert at making analogies to better explain vision and visual issues to our patients. One of our favorite examples is how he explains what happens during cataract surgery.
Yes, that’s where the Peanut M&M comes in!

Dr. Moran explains that a mature cataract is like a peanut M&M. It has 3 major parts: capsule, cortex and nucleus.
- The capsule = candy coating.
- The cortex = chocolate.
- The nucleus = the peanut inside!
During cataract surgery, Dr. Moran will remove the nucleus and cortex (peanut & chocolate), while leaving the capsule (the candy shell) in place. After the cortex and the cataract are removed, he will insert a new lens in its place. This new intraocular lens (IOL) has a prescription in it, just like the lenses in your eyeglasses have a prescription in them.

After Cataract Surgery you may not need glasses!
Many patients tell us that they have the best vision of their lives following cataract surgery! They see more clearly and colors seem more vibrant. Depending on the type of lens implant that they choose, they may not need to wear glasses at all!
If you, or someone you know, has noticed a change in their vision, come in for a cataract evaluation with Dr. Moran. He will dilate your eyes to see if cataracts are developing, and he will let you know if you are ready to have your cataracts removed.
by Dr. M | Apr 18, 2018 | Cataracts, Dry Eye, Education, Exam, Experience, Glaucoma, Laser, LASIK, Mark Moran, Medical Eye Care, Office, Patient Care, Procedure, Surgery

ASCRS held in Washington, DC
Educational Excursion
Dr. Moran, Bobbi, and Cindy attended the ASCRS (American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons) Conference in our nation’s capital, Washington, DC. The conference ran over a “long” April weekend and presented a great opportunity to learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, as well as vision correction procedures like LASIK.

Bobbi & Cindy at the Surgery Conference
“Ongoing education is a priority not only for physicians. It is important for every member of our team to be up-to-date on innovations and technology now available to offer the best eye care. While at this conference, we were able to learn from industry experts on ways to more effectively care for our patients. It was also a chance to share what we do at Moran Eye Associates,” Dr. Moran explains.
Information sessions at the conference included new treatment techniques to manage dry eye, cataract surgery case studies, and advances in pre-surgical measurements. There was much to learn in classes and from networking and exchanging ideas with other professionals there. They were able to talk about how our new in-office procedures for floaters and dry eye are helping our patients see more clearly.

The Virtual Eye allows Cindy to be “inside the eye” for an incredible view.
New Ways to Learn
In addition to the formal educational sessions, there were also many opportunities for hands-on learning.
Using Virtual Reality, Bobbi & Cindy were able to have a 360-degree view inside the eye. They were able to witness how the eye is affected by glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts. They agreed it was a little disorienting to be “floating” around inside an eye, but it was a memorable experience to see detailed images of changes to retina, vitreous and lens.
We look forward to using the knowledge gained to improve the care of our patients. After a busy and productive few days away, it is back to the office!
by Dr. M | Mar 12, 2018 | Education, Exam, Eye Protection, Glasses, Medical Eye Care, Patient Care, Procedure

Dr. Tang is a Low-Vision Expert.
Bianca Tang, O.D. Joins Moran Eye Associates
Dr. Mark Moran is pleased to announce the addition of Bianca Tang, O.D. to the staff of Moran Eye Associates, P.C. Dr. Tang, a native of the Lehigh Valley, joined the practice on March 1, 2018.
“Since we opened Moran Eye Associates in April of 2017, we have experienced steady growth,” Dr. Moran explains. “We’ve seen the need for additional services for low-vision patients. When I met Dr. Tang, it was clear that she shared our vision of providing excellent service and care to our patients. Dr. Tangs’s impressive resume and work experience made her the right choice for this practice.”
Dr. Tang is a Summa cum laude graduate of Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University. She earned her undergraduate degree, also Summa cum laude, in Biological Sciences and Health Professions at Penn State University. She was part of the Schreyer Honors College and was Phi Beta Kappa there.
Her clinical experience includes working with patients with low vision, prescribing low vision devices and rehabilitation techniques. She was part of a team of occupational therapists and social workers providing device training, orientation and mobility training, as well as daily living services at The Eye Institute in Philadelphia. While working there, she developed a special interest in working with visually impaired children with special needs. She interned at the VA Medical Center in New Jersey, and Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia.
“I am thrilled to be joining the talented team led by Dr. Moran. I look forward to caring for the eye health of the community where I grew up. I am excited to bring my passions for low vision and medical optometry close to home.”
At Moran Eye Associates, Dr. Tang will focus on low-vision patients, as well as specialty lens fittings for contact lens patients. She looks forward to working with pediatric patients as well.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Tang, please call or text our office at 610-628-2022. To learn more about the care and services offered at our office in Bethlehem, visit our website at
by Dr. M | Feb 28, 2018 | Exam, Experience, Medical Eye Care, Office, Patient Care

Our new exam room features state-of-the-art equipment.

We’ve just added a new exam room with State-of-the-Art features…but that’s not the whole story!
More news to come…check back for details.
by Dr. M | Feb 7, 2018 | Dry Eye, Education, Exam, Mark Moran, Medical Eye Care, Office, Patient Care, Referral
If you are one of the many people who suffer from dry eye, winter can be the worst of times. Discomfort from dry eye goes up as the temperature goes down!

Dry winter weather can lead to dry eyes.
With cold, windy weather outside and dry heat inside, winter can be the most challenging season for patients with dry eye.
While we recommended that you come in to see Dr. Moran for a medical evaluation of your dry eye, there are some things that you can do to help improve your comfort during the dry winter months.
Winter Survival Tips for Dry Eye

Turn on the Humidfier
Turn on the Humidifier: Humidifiers improve air quality, making it more comfortable in your home or office. Environmental factors can play a big role in the comfort of your eyes. Adding a humidifier in your work or sleep areas can provide some relief.
Use Lubricating Eye Drops (Artificial Tears): Lubricating eye drops provide instant relief for dry eyes. They can be used as often as needed. Using artificial tears not only improves the comfort of your eyes, it improves your vision as well. Contact lens wearers should use these drops to make their lenses more comfortable. Supplementing your tear film is beneficial to the health of your eye. Dr. Moran recommends using lubricating eye drops all year round! Stay away from the drops that “get the red out!” They contain vasoconstrictors that can cause long-term issues with your eyes.

Cold and flu medications can make your eyes even drier
Understand Medication Side Effects: If you are taking antihistamines to help combat a cold or flu, the medicine that dries up your sinuses, makes your eyes dry as well. When you pick up cold medicine at the pharmacy, make sure to pick up lubricating eye drops as well!
Drink Plenty of Fluids: Dehydration happens when your body does not have enough fluids. Water is needed for the proper functioning of your organs, including your eyes, to function properly. For most people, eight 8oz glasses of water are recommended daily. If you are dehydrated from medication or exercise, staying hydrated will keep you healthier from head to toe.
WASH YOUR HANDS! Staying healthy will help you to avoid added eye issues. Not only will hand washing help against the spread of winter colds and flu, it will also help to protect you from the spread of eye infections, like pink eye. If you are using drops, make sure your hands are clean before you put in your drops!
While our winter survival tips above will help make you more comfortable through the winter, they won’t cure your dry eye. There is no substitute for a medical eye exam when you are having problems with your eyes. Don’t suffer, there are medications and procedures that can give you relief.
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Moran to fully explore the options for dry eye treatment that are right for you. Call or text us at 610-628-2022.
Click to read more about Heat Therapy for Dry Eye
by Dr. M | Jan 30, 2018 | Cataracts, Education, Exam, Experience, Floaters, Glasses, Glaucoma, LASIK, Mark Moran, Medical Eye Care, Office, Patient Care, Surgery

Dr. Moran explains about dry eye and tear film.
New Patient Education Screens in the Exam Rooms.
Dr. Moran knows that an informed patient makes the best health care choices, which is why we take the time to make sure that you have all the information you need to make the right choices for you and your family.
As part of our commitment to patient education, we have recently installed education screens in our exam rooms. Dr. Moran’s goal has always been to give patients the information they need to maintain healthy vision. The addition of these screens takes us to the next level in increasing patient understanding.

Patient education at our fingertips!

It’s best to Show & Tell!
Now during your exam, not only can we explain what is happening with your vision, we can show you too! We can choose images and videos to help better explain treatment options. The best part is that these boards are interactive! Dr. Moran can draw and write notes on them to help you better understand your eye health and safety.
Educational topics include:
- Dry Eye
- Cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Macular Degeneration
- Understanding Vision: Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism & Presbyopia.
And we are doing our part to save trees, too!
With this new technology, we can take the information from the screen and email it directly to you! We also have the ability to print directly from the screen as well.
As always, if you have any questions about caring for your eyes, please ask our staff. We are happy that we can now SHOW & Tell! To schedule your next appointment call or text 610-628-2022.