How Does LASIK Work?
How the laser works to improve your vision during LASIK surgery.
LASIK vision correction uses a laser to reshape your cornea to help you see better. To apply the laser treatment, Dr. Moran uses an excimer laser which emits a cool beam of ultraviolet light to precisely remove corneal tissue. The reshaped cornea allows for light rays to focus properly on the retina to give you clearer vision.
Think of the cornea as a closed book with 500 pages. We create the flap about 100 pages into the book. Once the flap is opened, we apply the laser treatment to correct your vision in the last 400 pages of the book.
After your flap is lifted, the excimer laser applies pulses of ultraviolet across the cornea in a custom pattern designed for your eyes. These precise light rays are able to remove as little as 0.25 microns of tissue at a time. How small is a micron? One micron is a thousandth of a millimeter.
How the cornea changeS DUring LASIK
The laser treats your cornea to give you better vision. Your cornea may be too long, too flat, or irregularly
- If you are nearsighted, the laser will make the cornea more flat;
- if you are farsighted, the laser will make the center of the cornea steeper.
- If you have an astigmatism, the laser will smooth your corneal tissue into a more symmetrical shape.
- If you have a combination of issues, the laser can treat nearsightedness with astigmatism, as well as farsightedness with astigmatism.
How the treatment is determined
In order to create your treatment plan, Dr. Moran does careful calculations using the data from your pre-operative testing. He takes into account your age and your visual needs. Then, the laser is programmed with your unique measurements. Once programmed, the laser is controlled by computer settings programmed to correct your specific refractive error. We use Custom-Vue Wavescan technology. It is called “Custom-Vue” since the pattern of treatment is customized for each patient to give you the best possible vision.
Dr. Moran will ask you to focus on a light while the laser is being applied. While it is important to keep your eye focused during the treatment, the laser has an added safety feature. The laser uses an eye-tracking system that monitors any eye movements and keeps the laser beam on target during surgery. Studies have shown that eye trackers produce better outcomes and decrease complications. If your eye moves during the surgery, the laser will stay centered. It will track and follow your eye movements.
What to expect After LASIK
When the laser treatment is done, you will notice clearer vision than when you entered the room. However, your vision will still be a little blurry – similar to seeing under water. The blurriness is because you have a lot of drops in your eyes! Dr. Moran will have you sit up and look across the room at a clock about 10 feet away. You will be able to tell him what time it is, even if you weren’t able to see the clock when you walked into the room. Your surgery day instructions are to go home and keep your eyes closed for the rest of the day. Your vision will fluctuate as your eyes are healing, however, the next day you can drive to the office for your 1-day PO LASIK appointment.
To see if LASIK is right for you, schedule your FREE Consult today. Call, email or text our office for your appointment. Learn more about, just click LASIK
Your LASIK Experience
Patients often ask…what happens the day of your LASIK procedure?

Dr. Moran with the Sightpath LASIK team.
Our LASIK surgery center is now located right in our office!
When you arrive for your surgery, you will be taken back to an exam room. Your family member or friend can stay with you while we review your paperwork, medications and post-op instructions – it’s always good to have an extra pair of ears listening while we go over details! The total time is usually under 1 hour.
Next, we get you ready for surgery. We apply a series of eye drops and review what happens in the laser suite. During the procedure, Dr. Moran explains each step of the way, so you know what to expect.
In the LASIK Suite
- The team makes you comfortable on the surgery bed. Your head rests on a horseshoe shaped pillow.
- We place a patch on your left eye.
- Then, your right eye is held open with a lid holder (no need to worry about blinking during the procedure!)
- Dr. Moran creates a flap using the Intralase laser. You will feel some pressure as he applies a ring on your eye, before the laser is applied. Your vision will go dark for a few seconds as he creates the flap. In just a few seconds, the flap is done! Your vision comes right back after the ring is removed.
- Next, he lifts the flap and centers your eye under the Visx laser.
- The laser treatment is applied. It is painless…all you need to do is look at a yellow light while the laser is working.
- Then, he smoothes the flap back into place and the lid holder is removed. The right eye is done!
- Dr. Moran repeats the procedure in the left eye.
When you enter the LASIK room, Dr. Moran, his surgical assistant, and the laser engineer are waiting for you. They give you a LASIK buddy to hold…he’s a little bit of comfort that goes a long way to making you feel secure!

Your LASIK Buddy
After about 15-20 minutes, Dr. Moran walks you out of the LASIK room, and checks your eyes in the exam chair. We put drops in your eyes before you head home, and review the post-op instructions again. Once you put on your sunglasses, you are good to go.
The day of your surgery, it is important to keep both eyes closed as much as possible. We give you sunglasses to wear home, so you can open your eyes to walk to the car. Close your eyes for the ride home, but you can open them again to walk into your house.
Put on your eye shield as soon as you arrive at home. Then it is time to rest with your eyes closed. Listen to music, an audiobook, or podcast…or just go to sleep. The eye shields should be worn for sleeping for the next 7 days, so that you don’t accidentally touch or rub your eyes.
If you have questions once you are home, call us! We always have someone on call to answer our patients concerns.
Overwhelmingly, our patients comment about how fast the procedure was…and how easy! We most commonly hear, “That was so much easier than I expected, why did I wait so long!?!”
Interested in LASIK? Come in for a free consultation to find out if LASIK is right for you. Click to find out what happens at your LASIK Consult
Patient Reviews…Up in Lights!
Have you seen our patient reviews?

This billboard says it all, thanks Michelle!
This summer, Moran Eye Associates will be featured on electronic billboards around the Lehigh Valley. Choosing the content of the billboards was easy…our patient reviews speak volumes about our practice! We are proud of our reputation for excellence.

Look for our colorful billboards throughout the Lehigh Valley!

Our staff is committed to patient education.

Dr. Tang is terrific and very thorough!

Our doctors and staff are proud to be called “awesome”!
Dr. Moran and Dr. Tang are now accepting new patients. We offer medical, surgical and vision care to people of all ages. If you would like to make an appointment, just fill out the information to the right. You can also call or text us at 610-628-2022.
We are happy to offer your family the kind of quality eye care that our patients are talking about! Click here for more Patient Reviews
Complete Eye Care
A patient asked the other day, “Do you do regular eye exams?”
Of course we do! At Moran Eye Associates we offer Complete Eye Care, which includes Vision, Medical and Surgical services.

Better 1 or 2?
VISION: We accept VSP & NVA
- Routine Eye Exams
- Contact Lenses: Traditional & Specialty Lenses
MEDICAL: We accept most medical
- Diabetic Eye Care: Diabetic Retinopathy
- Glaucoma Care: Medical and Surgical Treatment Options
- Macular Degeneration
- Dry Eye Treatment: Diagnostic Services & Thermal Therapy
- Eye Emergencies
- Infection/Inflammation
- Low Vision Services
SURGICAL: Dr. Moran does surgery at the Surgery Center of Allentown, Sightpath LASIK Center in Bethlehem, as well as some procedures in our Delaware Avenue office.
- Cataracts
- Laser Floater Removal
- Glaucoma Eye Surgery
- Foreign Body Removal
- Eye Lid Surgery
Please contact our office if you need an appointment for your eye care. Call or text us at 610-628-2022, or send us an email by filling out the form on the right!
What Does 20/20 Vision Mean?

Are you Seeing your Best?
How Vision is Measured
The distance vision of a normal human eye is defined at 20/20. This number illustrates what a person with normal vision can see at twenty feet. Your visual acuity is measured on how it relates to vision at 20 feet.
- If your vision is 20/40, you can see at 20 feet, what a normal eye can see at 40 feet.
- If your vision is 20/100, you can see at 20 feet, what a normal eye can see at 100 feet.
- If your vision is 20/400, you can see at 20 feet, what a normal eye can see at 400 feet.
When you read an eye chart, chances are that person testing you is paying attention to what you say, as well as how you say it. They will know if you are seeing clearly or are struggling and making guesses. It never pays to cheat on your eye test!

Driving requirements
How well do I need to see to drive?
Although each state determines their specific requirements, generally 20/40 vision is needed to pass the driving test. If you need glasses to see 20/40, it will be indicated on your driver’s license. While your distance vision is key to passing the driving test, there are other factors that are considered as well. For complete information on what is required in Pennsylvania, click on the link.
Pennsylvania Drivers Visual Standards
After vision correction surgery, like LASIK or cataract surgery, you may be able to see well enough to have the vision correction restriction removed from your license.
What is legally blind?
If you cannot see any letters below the 20/200 line, even when wearing glasses or contacts, you are considered legally blind. If your vision can be corrected by putting on a pair of glasses, you may have poor vision, but you are not legally blind.
I see 20/20, do I need an eye exam?
Absolutely! Measuring your vision is an important part of your comprehensive exam, but there is so much more that we check at your visit. We will check your pupils, eye pressure and field of vision. We will record your visual history, health history and medications. The doctor will examine the health of your eyes using a slit lamp microscope, checking for eye disease, including glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and cataracts.
Early detection of eye disease is your best defense against vision loss. So even if you don’t need a new pair of glasses, make sure to schedule your regular check-up, so you can keep seeing your best!