Two years have passed since the start of Moran Eye Associates in Fountain Hill! We are so happy to have welcomed Dr. Moran’s former patients and many new patients too!
Although our practice is young, we’ve all been together for a long time. Here is a look at Moran Eye Associates by the numbers.
Dr. Moran has been practicing in the Lehigh Valley since 1990. He started Moran Eye Associates in April of 2017, where he continues to provide quality, compassionate medical and surgical care for his patients.
(again!) Dr. Moran’s first employee was Beth Handwerk, who was a member of the team at Trachtenberg-Moran. After almost 30 years, Beth & Dr. Moran are still working together. Beth is the office manager here at Moran Eye Associates.
Mandy Bolton & Cindy Male both started working with Dr. Moran at the turn of the century! They have been part of Dr. Moran’s team for 19 years.
Bobbi has worked with Dr. Moran’s surgical patients since 2011. Starting first as his LASIK coordinator, she now works with cataract patients too.
Dr. Tang joined our growing practice one year ago. She quickly became an essential part of our team. Dr. Tang has expertise in all aspects of medical eye care, contact lenses and low vision devices.
The numbers add up to an experienced team of eye care professionals that continue to work together to give our patients quality eye care. You can benefit from our commitment to our patients by making an appointment for yourself and your family!
The team at Last Chance Ranch is works to save Holly’s sight.
When Mark and Paulette Moran heard about a horse that needed eye surgery to save her sight, they knew it was time to come to the rescue. After sharing the news with the staff, Moran Eye Associates donated $1,000 to Last Chance Ranch to cover the cost of Holly’s surgery.
We quickly replied to their Facebook fundraiser for Holly: “Our office, Moran Eye Associates would like to donate the full amount of $1,000 for Holly’s surgery and care. Dr. Mark Moran and staff are happy to support your organization. We know how important sight is to all of us, and to the animals in our lives. In fact, Dr. Moran would have been happy to assist in surgery, if he wasn’t taking care of our human patients that day!”
Jackie Burke, who is the Equine Health Manager of Last Chance Ranch started a fundraiser for Holly via their Facebook page. Here is Holly’s story…
Holly is a sweet Haflinger mare who was saved from a kill pen by Last Chance Ranch. Our vet discovered an inflamed area of her eye. After consulting with New Bolton Center’s Ophthalmologist, it was determined that Holly had Squamous Cell Carcinoma in her left eye, and beginning in her right eye.
The vet is hopeful and believes that Holly has an extremely good prognosis and will probably not lose any vision! Holly is a young horse, only in her teens with a lot of life left.
The surgery was successfully completed on February 26th. Holly is now recovering at New Bolton Center, and will be back at Last Chance Ranch soon. The best news is that Holly has a prospective adopter, as long as everything goes well with her recovery!
We will keep you updated on Holly’s progress! For more information about the good work of this local rescue, visit their website
Last Chance Ranch Animal Rescue, Inc. (LCR) is a public volunteer, non-profit (501c3) organization rescuing and rehabilitating horses and domestic companion animals. Last Chance Ranch Animal Rescue is dedicated to promoting and educating the public to humane and responsible treatment of horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules (equines) and other domestic companion animals. Last Chance Ranch, Inc (LCR) provides a safe and secure refuge for abused, unwanted or neglected animals. LCR rehabilitates physical and psychological issues and places them into new homes where they receive the treatment and care they deserve.
If you or your children have an inflammation in the eye, it could be pink eye. The medical term for pink eye is Conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the thin, clear covering of the outermost layer of the eye and the inside of the eyelids.
Red, irritated eyes could be pink eye.
There are three different types of conjunctivitis: Viral, Bacterial and Allergic.
The treatment for each condition varies, so if you have an inflamed eye, make an appointment so our doctors can prescribe the specific treatment that will give you relief. Conjunctivitis is very common and easily treated, so don’t suffer, call for an appointment when symptoms begin.
VIRAL CONJUNCTIVITIS: If it’s viral conjunctivitis, it usually affects one eye. Because it is a virus, it is contagious, and can easily spread to your other eye. You may experience a light discharge, excessive watering, itching and crusting on the eyelids. Viral conjunctivitis cannot be treated with antibiotics.
BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS: If your inflamed eye has a heavy yellow or green discharge with crusting on the lids, you may have bacterial conjunctivitis. This type of conjunctivitis easily spreads to both eyes. It is important to start antibiotic eye drops as soon as you start to have symptoms. Be careful wiping your eyes, use a clean tissue or gauze for each eye.
ALLERGIC CONJUNCTIVITIS:Itching, redness, tearing and eyelid swelling are all signs of allergic conjunctivitis. This condition is often accompanied by other signs of allergies, like a stuffy, itchy and runny nose. It’s not contagious since it is caused by dust or allergens. Artificial tears, antihistamine eye drops, and medication can help relieve the symptoms.
For ALL types of eye inflammations, practice good hygiene. Assume that the condition is contagious until told otherwise.
WASH your hands frequently
STOP wearing contacts
THROW AWAY your old contact case
WASH your pillowcase
DISCARD old eye makeup
Warm compresses will give you relief from Viral, Bacterial and Allergic conjunctivitis. Good hygiene practices are essential!
If you have questions about pink eye or any other eye condition, don’t hesitate to contact our office at 610-628-2022.
When it is time for cataract surgery, you have choices to make that will determine your future vision.
During cataract surgery, Dr. Moran will remove the cloudy lens of your eye and replace it with a clear Intraocular Lens (IOL). Patients have the option to choose from different types of IOLs for their surgery.
Intraocular lens implant
While all the IOLs offer improved vision, there are some lens choices that offer additional features, such as astigmatism correction, and vision at fixed points of focus – near, intermediate and far vision. Dr. Moran will discuss these lens choices with you. He will explain which option(s) are right for you, taking into consideration the health of your eye and your visual needs after surgery.
The chart below compares the features of the IOLs.
The Basic lens offers 1 area of correction, and may be covered by your insurance. This lens offers clearer vision at one point of focus either distance or near. For patients who don’t mind wearing glasses, this lens is a good option.
The Toric and ReSTOR lenses do more, so there is additional cost for these lenses. Insurance does not cover the cost of these lenses, since they are considered advanced technology lenses. These lenses are special order for you, so payment for these lenses is due one week prior to the surgery date.
The Toric lens corrects one point of focus, either distance or near, and corrects for astigmatism, which is an irregular shape of the cornea. Patients with a corneal astigmatism greater than 1.25 diopters are good candidates for this lens.
The ReSTOR lens offers multiple points of focus. This lens is designed with concentric circles, each with a specific prescription power. Your eye will be able to focus using the right power ring in the lens. ReSTOR lenses are recommended for patients who have healthy eyes, and who are having surgery on both eyes done within a few weeks of each other.
More information about cataract surgery and your IOL choices will be discussed at your cataract evaluation appointment with Dr. Moran, and again with our surgery coordinator at your scheduling/measurement appointment. We encourage all patients to check with their insurance company before their cataract surgery to find out specifics about what is covered under their plan. Some plans have co-pays and deductibles that may affect the amount that the patient will have to pay.
Moran Eye Associates’ Dr. Bianca Tang recently used an innovative treatment to help a patient’s cornea heal faster and more effectively. This treatment promotes healing using amniotic membranes suspended in a ring that sits on the eye like a contact lens.
Prokera Corneal Treatment
The patient had been using prescription drop therapy over a period of months to help with a painful area of corneal thinning, but her eye wasn’t getting better. She was in pain, and and she was having cloudy vision. She was over 80 years old, and had other health issues that caused slower healing.
What did the patient think of the process?
“Dr. Tang recommended a new procedure that cured my cornea erosion issue. It was a stem cell lens that aided healing of the cornea. I now have my sight back in both eyes with no pain. Thank you so much for using this new procedure. It worked like a charm.”
The treatment Dr. Tang recommended was Prokera. The amniotic membranes in Prokera are safe, promote new cell growth, and prevent the development of scar tissue. The membrane itself dissolves after one week, and the doctor removes the ring following treatment.
Dr. Tang’s response to the results.
“The outcome was even better than I could have imagined. The area of epithelial defect that covered almost a quarter of her cornea was completely resolved. The most rewarding part of this treatment is knowing that the patient was no longer in pain, and that her vision was much improved.”
Prokera Corneal Treatment
Studies show that using amniotic membranes:
Reduces pain
Reduces inflammation
Reduces Scar Formation
Introduces essential factors for new cell growth
Whether managing disease, trauma, or post-operative care, healing of the ocular surface is essential to patients’ comfort and vision.
At Moran Eye Associates, our doctors offer excellent care that is personalized, innovative and effective. You can depend on us for all of your eye care needs for your entire family.
Your annual eye exam offers a look at more than just your vision.
You may have heard that the eyes are the windows to your soul, but did you know that they provide a look at your overall health as well.
Your dilated eye is an open window where blood vessels and nerves can be clearly seen. The view through the open pupil is a unique means of detecting health issues including:
Your eye doctor may be the first to alert you to developing health problems.The American Optometric Society reported that in just one year, over 250,000 patients were diagnosed with diabetes after their optometrists reported concerns. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital for the health and vision of diabetic patients.
Changes or fluctuation in your vision may also be an indicator of a larger health problem. Report blurred vision to your eye doctor, it may be a sign of increased blood sugar levels and the need for medical treatment.
Uncontrolled diabetes can have severe consequences. Loss of vision due to diabetic retinopathy is a primary concern. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people under the age of 74, so a regular schedule of dilated eye exams are important for diabetic patients. If you know someone who is diabetic,or has a family history of the disease, make sure that they are getting the eye care that they need.
Our goal is to keep you healthy!
Dr. Moran and Dr. Tang not only provide excellent vision care, they are essential partners for your general health and well-being. If you are overdue for a vision exam, don’t delay. Call us to schedule your appointment, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.