by Dr. M | Jul 10, 2018 | Appointment, Cataracts, Contact Lenses, Education, Glasses, Mark Moran, Office, Patient Care, Uncategorized
Your child’s vision is very important to his or her success in school…
which is why Moran Eye Associates is offering:

FREE Vision Screenings
for School-Aged Children
Saturday, Aug 4th from 8 am-12 noon
1204 Delaware Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18015
No Appointment is Necessary!
Vision screenings will be conducted by Dr. Mark Moran and Dr. Bianca Tang. Our expert doctors and staff will evaluate your child’s vision to see if he or she may have any issues that should be addressed BEFORE school starts.
No appointment is necessary, this is a walk-in event. Parking is available in our lot on Bergen Street.
Mark E. Moran, D.O., M.S.H.I., F.A.O.C.O is a board-certified ophthalmologist and Fellow of the American Osteopathic College of Ophthalmology. He has been practicing in the Lehigh Valley for 25 years. Dr. Moran specializes in LASIK vision correction, cataract surgery, medical eye care, and comprehensive eye examinations.
Bianca Tang, O.D. Dr. Tang is a Summa cum laude graduate of Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University. She earned her undergraduate degree, also Summa cum laude, in Biological Sciences and Health Professions at Penn State University. She specializes in comprehensive eye exams, contact lens fittings as well as low-vision solutions for children and adults.
by Dr. M | Jun 20, 2018 | Exam, Experience, Fun Stuff, Mark Moran
Congratulations to the winner of the June 25th
IronPigs tickets, Dennis Moyer!

Dennis and his granddaughter with their Iron Pigs tickets!
Dennis was chosen from our most recent Facebook contest. His prize was tickets to an Iron Pigs game…Clubhouse Level, 1st Row, with a preferred parking pass! Thanks to everyone who joined in by sharing and liking our Facebook page!
You will find great information about caring for your vision on the Moran Eye Associates website, Twitter and Facebook pages…and you might even win something too!

Dennis stopped by the office to pick up his tickets, and to have his picture taken with his great-granddaughter, Mackenzie.
Enjoy the game! Go PIGS!
by Dr. M | Jun 18, 2018 | Exam, Mark Moran, News

Sharing her Talent!
This week patient brought Dr. Moran a framed piece of art that she created. The gift was both thoughtful and appropriate. She was able to complete this intricate design with so much detail thanks to her excellent vision!
Although the artist was camera shy, she was happy to have us share her colorful gift with others. We’ll refer to her as “The artist known as F.Z.”
Many thanks to her for making our office & Dr. M’s Day brighter!
by Dr. M | May 31, 2018 | Appointment, Mark Moran, News, Office

Like our Facebook Page!
Please like and share our page to be entered into a drawing to win Iron Pigs Clubhouse Tickets for the 6/25/18 game!
Winner will be chosen 6/18/18 and tickets can be mailed or picked up at our office.

by Dr. M | Apr 18, 2018 | Cataracts, Dry Eye, Education, Exam, Experience, Glaucoma, Laser, LASIK, Mark Moran, Medical Eye Care, Office, Patient Care, Procedure, Surgery

ASCRS held in Washington, DC
Educational Excursion
Dr. Moran, Bobbi, and Cindy attended the ASCRS (American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons) Conference in our nation’s capital, Washington, DC. The conference ran over a “long” April weekend and presented a great opportunity to learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, as well as vision correction procedures like LASIK.

Bobbi & Cindy at the Surgery Conference
“Ongoing education is a priority not only for physicians. It is important for every member of our team to be up-to-date on innovations and technology now available to offer the best eye care. While at this conference, we were able to learn from industry experts on ways to more effectively care for our patients. It was also a chance to share what we do at Moran Eye Associates,” Dr. Moran explains.
Information sessions at the conference included new treatment techniques to manage dry eye, cataract surgery case studies, and advances in pre-surgical measurements. There was much to learn in classes and from networking and exchanging ideas with other professionals there. They were able to talk about how our new in-office procedures for floaters and dry eye are helping our patients see more clearly.

The Virtual Eye allows Cindy to be “inside the eye” for an incredible view.
New Ways to Learn
In addition to the formal educational sessions, there were also many opportunities for hands-on learning.
Using Virtual Reality, Bobbi & Cindy were able to have a 360-degree view inside the eye. They were able to witness how the eye is affected by glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts. They agreed it was a little disorienting to be “floating” around inside an eye, but it was a memorable experience to see detailed images of changes to retina, vitreous and lens.
We look forward to using the knowledge gained to improve the care of our patients. After a busy and productive few days away, it is back to the office!
by Dr. M | Feb 7, 2018 | Dry Eye, Education, Exam, Mark Moran, Medical Eye Care, Office, Patient Care, Referral
If you are one of the many people who suffer from dry eye, winter can be the worst of times. Discomfort from dry eye goes up as the temperature goes down!

Dry winter weather can lead to dry eyes.
With cold, windy weather outside and dry heat inside, winter can be the most challenging season for patients with dry eye.
While we recommended that you come in to see Dr. Moran for a medical evaluation of your dry eye, there are some things that you can do to help improve your comfort during the dry winter months.
Winter Survival Tips for Dry Eye

Turn on the Humidfier
Turn on the Humidifier: Humidifiers improve air quality, making it more comfortable in your home or office. Environmental factors can play a big role in the comfort of your eyes. Adding a humidifier in your work or sleep areas can provide some relief.
Use Lubricating Eye Drops (Artificial Tears): Lubricating eye drops provide instant relief for dry eyes. They can be used as often as needed. Using artificial tears not only improves the comfort of your eyes, it improves your vision as well. Contact lens wearers should use these drops to make their lenses more comfortable. Supplementing your tear film is beneficial to the health of your eye. Dr. Moran recommends using lubricating eye drops all year round! Stay away from the drops that “get the red out!” They contain vasoconstrictors that can cause long-term issues with your eyes.

Cold and flu medications can make your eyes even drier
Understand Medication Side Effects: If you are taking antihistamines to help combat a cold or flu, the medicine that dries up your sinuses, makes your eyes dry as well. When you pick up cold medicine at the pharmacy, make sure to pick up lubricating eye drops as well!
Drink Plenty of Fluids: Dehydration happens when your body does not have enough fluids. Water is needed for the proper functioning of your organs, including your eyes, to function properly. For most people, eight 8oz glasses of water are recommended daily. If you are dehydrated from medication or exercise, staying hydrated will keep you healthier from head to toe.
WASH YOUR HANDS! Staying healthy will help you to avoid added eye issues. Not only will hand washing help against the spread of winter colds and flu, it will also help to protect you from the spread of eye infections, like pink eye. If you are using drops, make sure your hands are clean before you put in your drops!
While our winter survival tips above will help make you more comfortable through the winter, they won’t cure your dry eye. There is no substitute for a medical eye exam when you are having problems with your eyes. Don’t suffer, there are medications and procedures that can give you relief.
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Moran to fully explore the options for dry eye treatment that are right for you. Call or text us at 610-628-2022.
Click to read more about Heat Therapy for Dry Eye